什么是 Aquashine BR 软填料?
Revofil Aquashine BR有助于填补皱纹或增加体积,同时为皮肤补水并减少皮肤色素沉着的出现。 Revofil Aquashine BR Soft Filler 是一种真皮填充剂,含有透明质酸和矿物质、辅酶、维生素、氨基酸和肽的恢复活力复合物。
¥88,00 ¥70,40
Revofil Aquashine BR有助于填补皱纹或增加体积,同时为皮肤补水并减少皮肤色素沉着的出现。 Revofil Aquashine BR Soft Filler 是一种真皮填充剂,含有透明质酸和矿物质、辅酶、维生素、氨基酸和肽的恢复活力复合物。
Revofil Aquashine BR有助于填补皱纹或增加体积,同时为皮肤补水并减少皮肤色素沉着的出现。 Revofil Aquashine BR Soft Filler 是一种真皮填充剂,含有透明质酸和矿物质、辅酶、维生素、氨基酸和肽的恢复活力复合物。
这种增加的体积有助于支撑和拉伸皮肤,减少皱纹的出现。 透明质酸还可以刺激胶原蛋白生长以增加皮肤强度和弹性,并作为抗氧化剂帮助保护皮肤免受自由基的侵害,自由基会损害皮肤细胞并导致过早衰老。
Revofil Aquashine BR Soft Filler 中的维生素、矿物质、辅酶和氨基酸有助于从内部滋养皮肤,支持皮肤细胞过程。 这有助于皮肤发育新的皮肤细胞,这些细胞较少受到老化、阳光照射和环境的损害。 增加皮肤细胞更新可以帮助减少皮肤色素沉着的出现,如老年斑、太阳斑和雀斑,使皮肤看起来更亮。
使用Revofil Aquashine BR Soft Filler,将填充物注射到想要矫正的皱纹处的真皮中深层。 透明质酸应该会立即产生效果,因为它可以增加体积以减少皱纹的出现,但他和这种真皮填充剂中的其他成分可以继续滋养皮肤,逐步改善皮肤的胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白和黑色素含量。 从三个开始Revofil Aquashine BR每 4 周进行一次 Soft Filler 治疗,然后进行保养治疗,使皮肤更光滑、更明亮。
使用 Revofil Aquashine BR Soft Filler 来矫正鼻子和嘴巴之间的鼻唇沟、其他中度至重度面部皱纹和折痕以及凹陷的脸颊或其他体积减少的区域。
PayPal and Credit Card
PayPal is an online payment system that provides for the opening of an account with PayPal.
By concluding a purchase with this type of payment, a page on the PayPal site will be displayed where you can enter your personal e-mail address and password for your PayPal account, or access the procedure for creating a new one.
After registration, you can make payments via PayPal without having to re-enter your data, even for subsequent purchases. In case of purchase through the PayPal payment method, at the end of the order the Customer is directed to the PayPal login page.
The amount relating to the order is charged to the PayPal account at the time of order acquisition. In case of cancellation of the order, both by the customer and in the case of rejection by FillerAesthetic , the amount will be refunded to the customer's PayPal account.
The cancellation of the order is possible until the order has been processed. The status of the order is clearly visible in the "My Purchases" area and can no longer be canceled if the indication "Order fulfilled" appears. At no time during the purchase process is it able to know the customer's financial information. Since there is no data transmission, there is no possibility that this data will be intercepted.
No computer archive contains or retains such data. For each transaction performed with the PayPal account, the Customer will receive a confirmation email from PayPal.
By choosing the payment method Bank Transfer , the customer can make the payment through his bank, the coordinates will be specified both at the conclusion of the order and shown below.
IBAN code : IT72X0538724202000003050018
Account holder : PHARMEX SRL
Credit institution :BPER BANCA S.P.A.
Shipping costs are € 10.00, the courier used for shipments is BRT / DPD, Shipping costs are € 55.00 for USA the courier used for shipments is San Marino Postal Service
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